
Showing posts from September, 2022

chilli- lifeline

Chilli is main character no doubt. Indian can avoid anything, but chilli must be there in everything we people love spicy. I mean c'mon we can't even imagine our life without chilli once we can imagine our life without internate but chilli is must๐Ÿ’€ buddy just think having pani puri without chilli๐Ÿ˜ข isn't it scary. what if this world will stop producing chillies  who gonna save you!? you yourself only so grow it in your home itself ... don't fear when shraddha is here I'm sharing what you need to do. Go grab some chillies cut it safely and then take out all seeds keep them to get dry and when it gets dry mix the soil make it little moist and spread your chillies over the soil. best seasons to grow chillies are January and February. chilli needs average watering just moist it and after a 4–5-week water it trice a week and that's it this baby chillies gonna make you happy trust me. ๐Ÿ’š ( happy planting)

tomato -

 Tomatoes are like that side character of movies who make everything more colorful and joyful. specially we Indian include tomatoes in almost every possible Dishes. why don't we grow it in our home itself and trust me your own grown vegies taste way tastier and juicier.  All you need to do is follow some easy steps. first of all, take a tomato of origin you want to grow then cut it into 3-4 separate pieces. mix the soil well try to make dry soil then place pieces of tomatoes and cover it with less soil over it and pour some water on it. hot climate is more preferable to grow it you can go for march and April month of year. water it twice a day but don't flood the plant just moist it and that's it enjoy your vegies buddy๐Ÿ’š ( happy planting )

snake plant- indoor air filter

 Snake plant is basically a home Decore plant which have some beneficial properties as well. they are good looking and work as air purifier indoor. It removes t oxic pollutions and negative vibes and also works as mental health booster these amazing properties are way enough to have one snake plant in your indoor. you can place it in your room or kitchen.  Snake plant needs least attention so if you're student or a busy person still u can maintain having this plant in your home.  All u needs to do is take a leaf of snake plant then cut it like a diamond in bottom. Place it in water and leave it for a week (keep changing the water) after a week you can see root coming from the leaf. Mix the soil well then place the leaf into the soil pour some water. watering it once a week is enough and every season is suitable so go buddy try it now.                        ๐Ÿ’š ( Happy planting)  

Tulsi -Queen of herbs

 I guess every Indian house is incomplete without Tulsi-holy basil.  Tulsi benefits us in many different ways. no doubt we want our Tulsi more bushy and fast growing  so, I have some tips to follow if you want your Tulsi to me more bushy, healthy and seed productive

Giloy - root of immortality

Giloy also known as amrita, tinospora and guduchi .  In India almost every individual knows benefits and value of giloy since after pandemic- covid 19 as we all are aware of its magical healing and immune properties. every part of giloy plant is beneficial and taken under medicinal uses. Don't you think these incredible benefits are enough to convince your Indian mom having a giloy plant in home itself. and trust me Growing giloy is one of the easiest process. All we need to do is take steam of giloy just 4,5 inch tall.( u can also take seeds but its takes more time) mix the soil well and then insert steam into it.  Pour some water and place it to sunlight reachable place. every season is suitable and water it once a week as giloy don't need much watering. yes we can call it ( sasta and tikau) less pamper and more useful .  And we are done ๐Ÿ’š ( happy planting )