Giloy - root of immortality

Giloy also known as amrita, tinospora and guduchi .
 In India almost every individual knows benefits and value of giloy since after pandemic- covid 19
as we all are aware of its magical healing and immune properties.
every part of giloy plant is beneficial and taken under medicinal uses.

Don't you think these incredible benefits are enough to convince your Indian mom having a giloy plant in home itself. and trust me Growing giloy is one of the easiest process.

All we need to do is take steam of giloy just 4,5 inch tall.( u can also take seeds but its takes more time)
mix the soil well and then insert steam into it.  Pour some water and place it to sunlight reachable place.
every season is suitable and water it once a week as giloy don't need much watering. yes we can call it ( sasta and tikau) less pamper and more useful . 

And we are done 💚 (happy planting)
